The Live Like Susie Kindness Awards

The Live Like Susie Kindness Awards is a special annual event honoring some of the kindest and most energetic students, brought to Rocky Point High School by the Be a Nicer Neighbor Club.

Selected students will have been independently nominated by the faculty and staff of RPHS. Criteria for selection does not include grades, athletics, or musical ability. The only category these students are chosen by is kindness, and the ability to help others do the same. The goal is to find those who truly “live like Susie,” by standing up for others, sharing their smile, and helping others whenever they can. The Kindness Awards will honor these students in Susie’s name.

Of the many awardees from every grade level, one or two graduating seniors will be later chosen to receive the scholarship funds, whether they are college-bound or not. The Scholarship will be presented at graduation each year.

A few pictures from the Kindness Awards held on May 29th, 2014 at RPHS: