“She ran ahead of the rest of the group, giggling, spinning, jumping around, and generally just getting very excited.”

If you knew Susie, you already know everything I am about to say. But these are my memories of the time I spent with her. Susie touched my heart deeply in the short blink of time I knew her, but this is for her, on the anniversary of the day she became the miracle she is.

My memories of Susie span over an entire year. I don’t have just one special situation that I can go back to and remember as worth telling. She touched my heart each and every day, without even knowing it most days. I often forget the instance in which I first meet a person, but not with Susie. I remember reading her name in the email that told me she and I would share a room that next September at Stony Brook. I immediately contacted Susie, so excited to meet her, even if I could only communicate with her through a computer for the time being. As we spoke for the first time, I felt so connected to Susie. We had so much in common already. We shared interests and even through the computer, she sounded so bright and friendly. I knew that our year would be really great. I wasn’t wrong.

One of the things we had first talked about that day, when we first met, was having dance parties.  I think that Susie did this almost everywhere she went, music or not. One night Susie and a group of our friends were walking around campus. It began to snow, and she of course was wearing one of her adorable winter hats. She ran ahead of the rest of the group, giggling, spinning, jumping around, and generally just getting very excited. Whether it was because of the snow or just the evening itself, it didn’t matter: she was completely content, and her joy was contagious, the group in turn was laughing and shouting along with Susie.

I must have told Susie that I loved her multiple times in one week. Every moment she was around she was either trying to make us smile,  feel better, or just have fun and I am so grateful for it all the time. I told people all that time that I couldn’t have asked for a better roommate. We got along so well.
I’ll never forget her undying love for ice cream at any give hour of the day or night. She absolutely loved her ice cream, especially after she’d had a good long night of fun. She would just smile and say “Ice cream?” that big bright Susie smile that was so infectious.

Susie was always there for her friends. Even people that weren’t necessarily her friends, she would try and talk to and console. I had a friend over the room, and was trying to talk her out of doing things to herself that could be harmful. When Susie came home, she immediately came to her aid and sat there talking for hours, helping my friend who she hardly knew. I think what Susie said might have really helped where I never could have dreamed of helping.

It’s thanks to Susie that I am friends with many of the people around me. Most of them were people that she collected in her travels through classes, work, parties, and anything she did. She had very little fear when it came to meeting new people. Susie was the queen of making connections with anyone and everyone, even random people. What is even more special, is that she never split her friends into categories. All of her friends were always tangled together, and she made so many friendships between other people that will be long lasting. My own close friends often asked about Susie and always loved when she was around.

Susie was dedicated to loving. Not just loving her friends and her family. She was dedicated to loving in general. She loved life, her friends, her family, and the world around her. Everything she touched will forever be changed for the better. Including me. Susie changed my life. I will be forever grateful to her.

I love you Susie, always. <3

-GraceAnne Taylor

Susie’s Birthday 2012

As so many know well, February 22 was always a day of celebration. Susie’s brightness and excitement was so heart-warming, and her birthday was no exception. Usually a highlight of winter break, Susie’s birthday was always a celebration of the happiest, most loving girl we knew.

And that’s why, in our first tough year without her, it is only appropriate to continue the tradition of celebrating our wonderful Susie. For the last three months, we have talked about and shared the happiness of “living like Susie,” and here is our first chance to really show it.

Today, it is “Free Hugs Day” all around Long Island and beyond. You can find friend-made flyers and posters around Rocky Point and Stony Brook, and hundreds of people are out, looking to simply make others happy. Smile at strangers, strike up conversations with those around you, and go out of your way to make someone’s day turn around. This is how Susie lived each and every day, and it truly is a great example for us all.

Today is a day to celebrate the amazing fortune we all had to know a person as great as Susie. It is a terrible thing that we no longer have her here, but she remains with us in energetic spirit and in her unmistakable attitude. It is ours to celebrate and strive for in ourselves. Make a move, and change the world around you. Take today, and truly Live Like Susie!



Also, I declare it double-coupon Wednesday.

“We decided that we were going to 4 senior proms after that year”


I miss you every day. I think about you and your family on a daily basis and pray for strength and peace for all of us who were close to you.

Susie, you truthfully made the world a better place. I’ve been thinking lately about different memories I have with you, and there are truly too many to count.

I remember the very first time I came over your house in middle school after homecoming one year.  We had never really talked much before then, but I’m pretty sure that was the start of our friendship years ago. You were God’s gift to me, Susie. You taught me so much throughout middle school and high school and were truthfully the only person who could make me laugh so hard that I would pee my pants… literally.

I treasure those late night talks in your porch with your mom and our friends around, those beach days, lazy nights, sleepovers, birthday parties, heart to hearts, going out east, going shopping, being silly, swimming in your pool… there are too many to count!

One of my favorite memories with you though has to be going to senior prom together in the 10th grade.  We were so excited that us “underclassmen” were asked by SENIORS to go to prom with them! We decided that we were going to 4 senior proms after that year. I’m pretty sure we both came pretty close, actually. We were dancing with our dates like fools on that boat around Manhattan when suddenly, my dress strap broke and my dress started falling down. We ran away from our dates for about a half hour trying to fix my stupid dress. We ran up and down the stairs laughing so hard we could barely breathe. My dress was never fixed that night… but I sure had a great time with you.

I wish I could go back to those moments with you, Sus. You have never failed to put a smile on my face and I am so grateful for the friendship you gave me. You are and always will be one of the most incredible people I have ever had the privilege of knowing. I miss you more every day and I love you so much.

-Brittany Infranco

But one thing that I won’t forget was her smile; she was so welcoming!

I know that I didn’t know Susie very well; I knew her somewhat. She was in Oklahoma! when I was in 5th grade, and the crew came to Edgar School and we got the chance to ask the cast questions. She was telling me about how fun it was to be in Oklahoma! and about the daily practices, etc. But one thing that I won’t forget was her smile; she was so welcoming! And just then I knew that she was a great person.

Rest in peace Susie! You are awesome inside and out! My number one goal in life is to live like you; Say hi to my Uncle Rich for me : ) thanks!

-Amanda Feldmann

“I wished someone a good day who looked lonely, even though I usually keep to myself.”

I feel like I keep telling myself that I need to Live Like Susie, but today was the first day I really felt as though I accomplished this. I wished someone a good day who looked lonely, even though I usually keep to myself. I reached out and told someone they dropped their wallet despite not knowing him. I could definitely feel Susie in the Rocky Point High School today, helping me to be a better me. Thank you to the Facini family for raising someone in such a way as to continue to positively influence the community even when she can no longer be here.

-Elizabeth Kidney

“What four-year old can keep a white jacket with white fur so spotless?”

One of my favorite Susie memories is her beautiful white ski jacket with blue clouds. What four-year old can keep a white jacket with white fur so spotless? Susie, of course!!

Susie always wore her hat and gloves, just as her mom told her to – always without an argument. When Susie would come to visit, she would always look so pretty, dressed in a cute dress and shoes, with a matching bag. Her cousins would then change her into Umbro soccer shorts and t-shirts so she could play outside with them. Susie never complained! Her cousins dressed her up as a bride multiple times–I think she always ended up marrying Brian!

Susie was always smiling and always eager and ready for fun!  She loved her brother Andy dearly, and despite being younger than him, always tried to keep up with him.  Andy never lost patience with her, much to his credit, too.  Susie was so very special; her smile would illuminate the room.  What a tribute – to live like Susie!!!

-Aunt Kaka

“With any luck, we can mean as much to others as Susie has meant to us”

I have no special stories to share of Susie. No amusing anecdotes to tell.

That’s because she simply existed as a part of my everyday life. I watched her learn to swim and climb the rocks with my boys at Tides Beach. I remember her singing in choir, trick-or-treating with us year after year, and anticipating Santa’s arrival on Christmas Eve. I saw her make her communion and her confirmation. I watched her run track and celebrate her 16th birthday.  I saw her look beautiful for one prom after another and to proudly wear the white robe of graduation.

Her milestones were forever entwined with our milestones, and the memories were all as one. However, mostly, when I close my eyes, I see her smiling face and feel her loving hug. She was never without these, her tools of the trade. All were welcome and at ease by the mere sight of her. She taught us all so much without ever really trying. She showed  love, compassion, kindness and acceptance to all. With any luck, we can mean as much to others as Susie has meant to us. I miss you, Sue Q. You are always in my heart.

-Lisa Schneider

“You are loved by Susie.”

Susie was one of the few people in high school that would look me in the eyes without fear. She would ask me questions that nobody else thought to ask. She listened. She cared about the people she didn’t get along with.

I don’t think any guy in high school who knew her didn’t have a crush on her at some point. She knew how to let go of fear and thus was able to show you the love that she felt. If you felt shy near her, she would keep on giving you attention and love until you realized that she truly, deeply cared.

Friends like Susie are rare, but only because most people haven’t developed the courage that she had- to keep on trying until all of a person’s walls are down. She was loved because of her kindness towards everybody.

She embodied the kind of empathy that many Buddhist monks that I’ve met are still aspiring towards. Although she has changed shape, her love is still around us and inside of us. She is no less alive then when she gave me a hug every morning in chorus, or when she cooked food for the homeless after school. Susie would want you to know that she lives in all of your hearts. Her heart understood that separation is an illusion, and that’s why she had such an amazing capacity for love. I hope that everyone knows how much she loved everyone, and everything. You are loved by Susie.

You are loved.

-Stefan Trilling

A poem for Susie

A day in a life, one that was caring, loving, free
Although you long for more than memories
There is a light, look and see
Make the choice and Live Like Susie

Today is the day; be caring, loving and free
Dance in the rain
Love with all your heart
Comfort someone who is hurting
Show the world how you Live Like Susie

Today is yours; make the choice
Love who you already know
Love those you haven’t met yet
Be happy, it’s contagious
Spread your smile
Tell a joke and let your laughter ring
Make the change, Live Like Susie

Smile today
Smile regardless of your sadness
Smile even though you want her next to you

Smile because she never left
She lives on in every person who made the choice
To Live Like Susie


-Nicole Crista Reinhard