“She really was a smile with legs”

Susie was always good at making you feel special. She did this on a daily basis for everyone she met and especially for me.

Any time I was having a bad day, or maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed, she would always do anything to make me smile. She had so many little ways of doing so — making silly faces, doing silly impressions of the “mad face” you were making, quoting movies like from Finding Nemo and calling you “Mrs. Grumpy Gills” in her Dory voice, tickling you, hugging you until you agreed to smile just so she wouldn’t suffocate you, offering you a drink, watching Sex and the City reruns with you, or any movie you wanted (which always ended up being her pick anyway… usually The Outsiders), or just smiling.

She just knew how to brighten your day. This isn’t a specific story. It’s just some memories I have of how genuine and how loving she was. I miss her terribly but I think of these little things when I’m struggling. She really was a smile with legs.

-Jessie Duncan